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CEO Blog June 2021
I hope you have that place in you. Hidden, even from you, intuition springing from values, incubation growing into illumination –...
3/2/2021 Season of Discontent
Human beings, unlike animals, seem capable of suffering amid abundance. If animals are given food, warmth, shelter, and care, they seem...
2/18/2021 Editorial about old church and purpose
There is a beautiful stately old church in downtown Portland. Built in 1894, it is multiple stories tall, when that part of Portland was...
1/25/2021 How Our Character Is Revealed
The Covid 19 pandemic has presented challenges on multiple levels to Evergreen staff. Some of this reflects the virus and much results...
1/19/2021 Learning to Divide
I learned about division in school. His name was Mike. Like everyone else, I could tell Mike was different. Mike could too. The term used...
Christmas Letter 2020
We can ignore even pleasure, But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, But shouts in our pains. It is...
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