To Screen or Not To Screen, That is Thy Question.
8/27/2020 COVID Modeling and Graph Mishaps
8/23/2020 COVID-19
8/6/2020 COVID disease modeling taking precedence over current data and research
7/31/2020 COVID-19 Presentation
Let's Talk Paps!
7/16/2020 A Family Physician’s COVID-19 Policy Suggestion to Our Governor
7/12/20 COVID information that you likely did not learn about last week from the news
6/24/2020 COVID-19 and Public Health: A Broader Perspective is Required
6/8/2020 It is time to move faster towards normalcy
5/1/2020 Dr. Giesecke and Sweden’s Approach to the Pandemic
4/28/2020 Science should not be suppressed
4/22/2020 Science is a Discipline based upon Skepticism not Consensus
4/18/2020 COVID-19 Policy in an Era of Uncertainty
4/6/2020 COVID-19 by the Numbers as of
3/22/2020 Evergreen’s Response the COVID-19 Pandemic
3/20/2020 A message About the Pandemic to Evergreen Family Medicine Personnel