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Supportive Friend

Chronic Pain Education Group

Evergreen Family medicine offers a chronic pain management class to all our patients who require regular use of pain medications

This is an integral part of Evergreen’s commitment to treat chronic pain responsibly. Our groups include both an educational and group counseling component.

We require all EFM patients treated with narcotics for chronic pain to attend one class per year as a condition of their contract with us. Their insurance is billed for one visit annually at the time a personal assessment of mood, function and quality of life is completed. But patients are encouraged to attend all 6 sessions (every other month) at no additional charge.


This is an example of presentation topics:

  • Chronic Pain Care: An Evergreen Approach

  • Chronic Pain Physiology and Pharmacology

  • Chronic Care Complimentary Treatments

  • How Mental Health Informs Our Pain Experience

  • What Successful Pain Management Feels Like

  • Pain Management Challenges As We Age

  • Pain Management From A Physical Therapist

  • Pain Management Decision Points

Most patients who attend these group sessions have found them very helpful. We have made these classes available both in person and on-line. Our schedule is on the website. Please join us by signing up below.

Chronic Pain Education Flyer.png

This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
For more information, ask at the front desk or visit our website.
Thank you.


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