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Evergreen Newsletter

January 2020

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Wish Upon a Star

Thank you to everyone that provided gifts for the Wish Upon a Star family this year. Even with the short notice, so many of you stepped up in a huge way to make sure that this family will have an amazing Christmas. Along with all the wrapped gifts Evergreen also provided this deserving family with a fully cooked Christmas meal from Fred Meyer Deli.

In efforts to include you all in the Wish Upon a Star moment we recorded the phone call with the grandmother that is caring for the two little girls we provided gifts for. 

Disclaimer: It is a very sad story that she tells and I do want to warn you that it is difficult to listen to. We were so happy to have the opportunity to make their Christmas a little brighter.

Click here to listen.


When we provide community events or support I am always reminded of how lucky I am to be a part of such an amazing group of people. Thank you for helping this family and thank you for all that you do provide the best care possible for our community!

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Does Wintertime make you “SAD”?

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD is a type of depression that is related to changes in the seasons.  Lovingly called the Wintertime Blues, humans have been dealing with seasonal depression since the time of industrialization.


Our Winter schedules as productive human beings generally include waking up before the sun rises and heading home after the sun has set.  When we miss the sunrise because we are all sitting diligently behind a computer screen or working away in


a factory or mill, our body misses out on valuable morning sunlight. 

Watching the Sun rise in the morning has more than a calming Zen effect, this specific type of light actually resets your body’s internal clock or Circadian Rhythm.  After absorbing this light, your body kickstarts the production of serotonin and melatonin, chemicals that play a role in changing your mood for the better.

Ditch the excuses!  If you are having a hard time finding a way to experience the sunrise, here are some tips and tricks.  Even a few minutes of exposure can be beneficial.

  • Choose an alternate route.

    • by dedicating a few extra steps to the restroom or coffee pot in the morning, venture outside the building on your way to and from your desk.

  • Put down the device.

    • instead of burying your face in your phone during your morning break, go outside and just breathe.

  • Open the blinds, AND the window.

    • letting morning light into your office is beneficial, but some windows have UV protection that block beneficial rays of light.

  • Make your own sunlight.

    • natural light is best, but if you simply cannot access natural light in the morning, there are inexpensive artificial sunlight lamps available to purchase.


Even though these tips and tricks can be helpful to feel better this winter, if you experience Fall and Winter SAD symptoms that may include:


Appetite changes including craving high carbohydrate foods

Weight gain


Low energy levels


Contact your medical provider to schedule a visit to discuss them.  Left untreated, SAD could turn into deeper more serious depressive disorders.  


If you are feeling symptoms of deep depression or thoughts of suicide, please contact your medical provider or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255.

Women's Health

The Providers and Staff of Women’s Health are passionate about women’s care. We see women from all stages in life, from birth control management and Obstetric care to menopause. Dr. Mary Powell, Dr. Oler, Midwife Sarah Kent, and soon to be Dr. Carillo offer a wide variety of surgical options; sterilizations, diagnostic laparoscopy, hysterectomy and ablations to name a few.


We have recently added Dr. Elizabeth Oler to the practice. Hailing from the East Coast, both  Dr. Oler and her husband were attracted to the Northwest for its many outdoor activities and adventures. Her schedule is currently open to patients with OHP and Medicare.


The providers and staff of Women’s Health would like to thank all of those who worked so diligently to make this merger happen.  We are very excited for the future with Evergreen and the opportunities it offers our patients and staff.

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Scott was born and raised in Michigan and moved to south Louisiana in 2004 after joining the US Coast Guard. He spent the next 13 years “in the bayou” where he completed undergraduate and graduate school at Nicholls State University.


Scott began his career as a youth counselor and later specialized in the addiction field. He became a licensed professional counselor 2019. Scott’s approach to treatment focuses on discovering self-acceptance, with the goal of improving cognitive, emotional, and behavior functioning.


Scott has enjoyed raising his family in Oregon where he can take his kids out to play in the river, on camping trips, or hiking to different waterfalls.  

Scott Tougas, LPC

Welcome to the Evergreen Family!

Family Practice patients have access to clinical advice from an Evergreen provider 24/7 via phone; outside regular business hours, patients can call the regular office phone number and the answering service will connect you to the on call provider.

Did You Know?



Evergreen Family Medicine is proud to have been awarded five stars as a Patient Centered Primary Care Home. 


To qualify for 5 STAR

– designates clinics on the forefront of primary care transformation 

– Attest to 255 points or more on application

– Implement multiple advanced PCPCH measures

– Required site visit from PCPCH program staff to verify all measures are being met

Social Media

Follow us on Social Media to keep up with what is happening here at Evergreen. We are on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram!  

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This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
For more information, ask at the front desk or visit our website.
Thank you.


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