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Powells' COVID Blog

Masks, School Closures, Social Distancing, Lockdowns, and Mandates: The Wrong Choices.
The mask mandate for health care settings will be lifted in Oregon on April 3rd, more than two and a half years after the rule was...

Dr. John Powell Evergreen Talks 9-8-22
Dr. John Powell presents Revisiting Informed Consent and what happened to herd immunity? For today's Evergreen Talks presentation. The...

Evergreen Talk - Dr. John Powell - Evergreen Family Medicine - Roseburg, OR
Dr. John Powell delivers a presentation about COVID-19 in today's Evergreen Talk. Evergreen Family Medicine and Urgent Care 2570 NW...

Response to questions and comments about the Evergreen January townhall presentation
Thank you for listening to our last townhall discussion about Covid issues, and the many kind remarks. I will divide the frequently asked...

The Evergreen Frontline Experience and The Search for More Inclusive Pandemic Solutions
Please see the "Response to questions and comments about the Evergreen January townhall presentation" blog where Dr. Powell responds to...
We should expand the differential diagnosis and find more inclusive solutions
Our previous Oregon governor and retired Douglas County Emergency Department physician (1974-92) recently wrote a guest column for our...

Vaccinating people who have had covid-19: why doesn’t natural immunity count in the US?
The question in the above headline comes from the title of the feature article in the September 13, 2021 issue of the British Medical...
Anecdotal Evidence
“That’s anecdotal evidence.” It’s a dismissive phrase. Whatever you just said is unreliable. Not to be trusted or taken seriously....
A Letter To The Community
Dear Evergreen Friends, Many of you may have seen or are aware of the recent letter published on behalf of DCIPA Board of Directors in...
Oregonian Response
Jeff Manning’s September 11 article depicted me an anti-vaccine physician dealing in misinformation about the Covid vaccine. That is...
Can We Talk?
I’ve had my 15 minutes of fame. I hope my time’s up. It’s overrated. On Friday, Sept 10, 2021, the News Review graciously issued an...
An Honest Discussion
I sat in stunned disbelief as I read the front-page headline article of the News Review, written by Donovan Brink. I had just returned...

August Delta Surge
August 2021 Delta Surge: The Evergreen team depends on every player to serve our community. Douglas County is in the middle of the COVID...
Covid update, August 2021 - Ivermectin Addendum
I was surprised my mention of Ivermectin became such a flash point. Unfortunately, this focus misses the point I intended. Which is the...
State of Covid August 2021
State of Covid, August 2021 My view Simplistic solutions to complex problems are rarely correct. “Get vaccinated and wear the mask” is...

7/7/21 Sincere Inquiry May Result in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Transparency is Required
Informed consent for a medical intervention involves sharing known and potential risks. This blog represents my effort to provide a...
CEO Blog June 2021
I hope you have that place in you. Hidden, even from you, intuition springing from values, incubation growing into illumination –...

COVID-19 VACCINATION INFORMED CONSENT FORM A foundational principal for the ethical practice of medicine in America is informed consent....

Scientific Censorship
On March 18, the governor of Florida held a round table discussion with the physicians and scientists who supported a focused protection...

Informed Consent: Still Relevant during a Pandemic
What patients seek is not scientific knowledge that doctors hide, but existential authenticity each person must find on her own. Getting...
1/5/2021 Contact Tracing and Assigning Blame
The 1970 film, M*A*S*H, includes a scene where Major Frank Burns, a pious surgeon, angrily blames an orderly for the death of one of his...

The Infection fatality rate (IFR) has been debated since the beginning of the pandemic. This number represents the percentage of people...
10/11/2020 To Public Health Officials: Focused Protection is Following the Science
Academia has finally arrived and found the courage to remind public health policymakers of fundamental principles essential to protecting...
10/1/2020 Job Syndrome
It’s not complacency: It’s a virus Let’s call it the “Job syndrome”. Recall the biblical story in the Old Testament about a righteous man...

8/27/2020 COVID Modeling and Graph Mishaps
As a hospitalist, I have been interested in the CDC’s Covid-19 forecasts for hospitalizations. There are multiple entities that provide...

8/23/2020 COVID-19
8/23/20 "People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right...
8/6/2020 COVID disease modeling taking precedence over current data and research
The word “specious” is an adjective that is defined as superficially plausible, but wrong. My recent proposal for a more targeted public...

7/31/2020 COVID-19 Presentation
Please use the audio player beneath each slide to listen to the presentation.
7/16/2020 A Family Physician’s COVID-19 Policy Suggestion to Our Governor
On July 8th, I wrote a letter to the governor and my state representatives with the request that they reconsider our state’s public...
7/12/20 COVID information that you likely did not learn about last week from the news
On July 7th, data provided by the Oregon Health Authority reported that the 7-day average for new hospitalizations were 7 new patients...

6/24/2020 COVID-19 and Public Health: A Broader Perspective is Required
Considering the pandemic restrictions and tracking protocols going forward, I want to share an interview with Dr. Eileen De Villa, the...

6/8/2020 It is time to move faster towards normalcy
Recently, our attention may have been diverted from the daily pandemic headlines and COVID case counts to news of protests and social...

Since March, I have been very interested in any data from SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing. We were hopeful that this information would...

5/1/2020 Dr. Giesecke and Sweden’s Approach to the Pandemic
I have attached an interview below with the Swedish epidemiologist and infectious disease expert, Dr. Johan Giesecke that took place on...
4/28/2020 Science should not be suppressed
Over the course of the last two weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have shared the scientific observations and opinions of Dr. John...

4/22/2020 Science is a Discipline based upon Skepticism not Consensus
I have found the following two YouTube links interesting as we navigate alternative solutions to our current pandemic. The first is an...

4/18/2020 COVID-19 Policy in an Era of Uncertainty
(This letter was sent to the Governor and elected representatives) COVID-19 Policy in an era of uncertainty At this time, public policy...
4/6/2020 COVID-19 by the Numbers as of
The last time I posted on March 23, 2020, there was 1 documented case of COVID-19 in Douglas County. I indicated that there would be...
3/22/2020 Evergreen’s Response the COVID-19 Pandemic
As of today, there has still been only one documented case of COVID-19 in Douglas County but I believe there will be more identified as...
3/20/2020 A message About the Pandemic to Evergreen Family Medicine Personnel
"Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.” A journal entry by Henry David Thoreau on September 7, 1851. The sentiment was shared nearly...
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