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School Base Health Care

     Many children lack access to regular health care. Parents who work find it difficult to take time off to take their child to their provider. Evergreen Family Medicine has offered to partner with the school districts to provide healthcare within every school in Douglas County. We are offering these services to every student. You do not need to be a patient at Evergreen, we just need the parent’s consent. We will send the notes to your regular primary care provider. Notes will also be available to parents. We are committed to providing access to healthcare to every child in Douglas County.


  • Primary Care Visits

  • Acute Care Visits

  • Vaccinations

  • OHP Registration Support

  • Referrals to and coordination of referrals

  • Behavioral and mental health

  • Women's Healthcare

  • Onsite basic lab testing

     If your child is enrolled in one of our partnering districts you can sign the School Based Telehealth Consent Form below to register online. Consent is valid for one school year.


Partnered School 

  • Glide

  • Oakland

  • South Umpqua

  • Sutherlin

  • Winston-Dillard

Learn more about Tytocare

With the ability to conduct comprehensive examination of ears, lungs, heart, throat, heart rate, temperature, skin, abdomen, and more. Evergreen partners with Tytocare to provide access to high quality affordable health care with no compromises. Click here to learn more about this product.

The care of the local primary care providers you know now able to provide better care from anywhere for the entire family.

School Based Health Forms

  • How do I sign in?
    Click the PATIENT PORTAL button in the top right of the screen. To sign in, you will need to be registered for the Portal. You may call our clinic to do so. We will need an email address where your information can be sent and upon calling in you will receive a temporary password that you may change upon login (To register please call 541-677-7200)
  • Do I need a pin?
    No, you simply need to be registered with a user name and a secure password.
  • How do I register for the Portal?
    The fastest way to register is to call us at 541-677-7200. Ask to be registered for the Portal and give us your email address. You will be given a temporary password which you may change upon login. You may even register using your smartphone. Just ask the receptionist to register you by sending you a text to get you started. However, you WILL still need a valid email address if you choose the smartphone registration method.
  • Why can’t I access my Portal account?
    You many not be registered for the Portal or may have registered so long ago that you still have a PIN number, which are no longer used. Please register or update your registration by calling us at 541-677-7200 and let the receptionist know you would like register or update your information. Once registered you may access the portal by clicking on the Portal button at the top right side of this webpage or our home page.
  • When can I expect a response to my portal message?
    Patients can expect a response through the portal in 2-3 business days.

This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
For more information, ask at the front desk or visit our website.
Thank you.


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